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Maintaining Visibility in the Governmental Process 


Contributing to the Illinois Architects Political Action Committee is an important way to participate in the political process. Coupled with a positive and proactive lobbying approach, IAPAC plays an ever more important role in maintaining the visibility of architects in the governmental process.


We encourage AIA members to contribute the financial equivalent of one billable hour to make IAPAC stronger. Use our secure link below or print and mail this paper form.


How are you PAC dollars utilized? Click here to learn more about what AIA Illinois does for you. 


Illinois Architects IMPACT
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PAC contributions are extremely important at the federal level too. Contributing to AIA National's ArchiPAC proves the interest of the importance of advocacy on behalf of architects not just in Illinois but on issues that impacts the industry in regional clusters or nation-wide. Let us show AIA National that Illinois cares and that we believe in our voice in Washington, DC!



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201 E Adams St

Suite 1A

Springfield, IL 62701



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